World Association of Cat Clubs
Ute Gremmel
Expert felinologist all breeds, the leader of the tribal committee WACC, author of the work on the genetics of cats "GENETIK-TABELLEN", compiled code still breeds and colors of cats with a system of WACC, an expert consultant for the training of judges, breeders. Participated in the creation of the first breed standard for the Siberian and Neva Masquerade.
Irina Katzer
President of the "FA VARIETA", expert felinologist all breeds of cats, an expert consultant for the training of judges, breeders, the author of articles on the genetics of cats (the journal "Genetics", Academy of Sciences), directed the creation of breeds – Siberian and Neva Masquerade and their standarts.
Peter Latsples
Dr.Peter Latsples,MD autor of more thesis about problem of psychiatry and drug addiction, assistent of department of psychiatry and medical psychology /NNSMA internatijnal juge/expert all cats' breeds, geneticist -felinologist, director of training courses for judges, the author of articles on the breeds of cats and cats' genetics.